31/1990 privind societaţile comerciale, intocmit de catre Directorat, privind transferul cu titlu universal a unei parti din patrimonial sau aferenta activitatii de marketing către OMV PETROM Marketing SRL, societate detinuta 100% de Petrom. 2124/ a proiectului de desprindere in interesul Petrom, in sensul Articolului 250¹ punctul b) din Legea nr. (“Petrom”) anunta publicarea in Monitorul Oficial nr. 113 alineatul 1 litera h) din Regulamentul 1/2006 al Comisiei Nationale a Valorilor Mobiliare privind emitentii si operatiunile cu valori mobiliare, OMV Petrom S.A. Mariana Gheorghe Chief Executive Officer Publicarea proiectului de desprindere in Monitorul Oficial al Romaniei In conformitate cu art. If the spin-off plan will be approved by the EGMS, the resolution of the latter EGMS will count as an approval of the spin-of in the interest of Petrom, also setting its effective date. The above-mentioned spin-off plan is enclosed to this ad-hoc report and will be subject to the approval of the Extraordinary General Shareholders Meeting (“EGMS”). 31/1990, prepared by the Executive Board for the transfer by universal legal transmission of the part of its patrimony related to marketing activities to OMV PETROM Marketing SRL, a 100% owned subsidiary. 2124/ of the spin-off plan regarding the spin off in the interest of Petrom, within the meaning of article 250¹ item b) of the Company Law no. (“Petrom”) hereby announces the publication in the Official Gazette no.
#Oficiul postal 4 timisoara vama registration#
239 sector 1 Telephone, fax number/ Numarul de telefon, fax: +82/ +18 Sole registration number / Cod unic de identificare: 1590082 Fiscal attribute/ Atribut fiscal: R Trade Register Number/ Numar de inregistrare in registrul comertului : J 40/8302/1997 Share capital/ Capitalul social: 5,664,410,833.5 RON Regulated market on which the issued shares are traded/ Piata reglementata pe care se tranzactioneaza actiunile: Bucharest Stock Exchange/Bursa de Valori Bucuresti Significant event to be reported: Eveniment important de raportat: Publication of spin-off plan in the Official Gazette of Romania In accordance with article 113 paragraph 1 letter h) of National Securities Commission’s Regulation no 1/2006 on issuers and trading of securities, OMV Petrom S.A. Headquarters/ Sediul: Bucharest, Calea Dorobantilor nr. 297/2004 and Regulation no.1/2006 of CNVM RAPORT CURENT In conformitate cu Legea nr.297/2004 si Regulamentul CNVM nr.1/2006 Date of report/ Data Raportului: Name of issuer/ Numele emitentului: OMV PETROM S.A.